72 Free Books for the Person Who Stutters
Yes, that is correct; former Person Who Stutters (PWS) Ruth Mead has graciously put together an ever growing collection of e-books for the PWS. These materials are made available to you Free of charge. Special thanks goes to Ruth, to John Harrison who helped Ruth in proofing a lot of the materials and to Richard Parent who did all the French translations found on the this website. (Ruth, John and Richard are all fully recovered PWS.)
I must not forget all those many authors who have made their works available at no cost to the reader. These authors wish for you what they have discovered for themselves as a PWS. These writings will stretch your understanding of what is taking place when you block and stutter. And, you will stand in awe at how these people have attained fluency. Within these pages you will discover the “how” of gaining more and more fluency. And, it is all Free. The books are in the PDF format and can be read online or downloaded to your system. Some of the books are short (around 10 pages) and some of the books are full size. With all the author’s good pleasure and with the graciousness of Ruth Mead, we give these precious gifts to you.
Follow this link to access all this free stuff.
New Books for the PWS
- SPEECH IS A RIVER: My Recovery from Stuttering – by Ruth Mead. Disponible en version française.
John Harrison says, SPEECH IS A RIVER: My Recovery from Stuttering is a must read. The author, Ruth Mead, is brilliant, creative, entertaining, perceptive and a great observer. She’s full of stories. And she’s lived out her options in ways that are very convincing. - REDEFINING STUTTERING: What the struggle to speak is really all about – by John Harrison.
John is a former PWS who lived through the fear of stuttering, conquered the problem, and even wrote a 649-page book about it. John describes a new holistic way of looking at stuttering which he calls the Stuttering Hexagon. John proposes that for change to happen, stuttering must be addressed as a system involving the entire person. Hard copies of the 2011 edition are available from Amazon and The National Stuttering Association. Click the title for a link to the free PDF download (33MB).
Pour la traduction française, cliquez ici (Translated by Richard Parent). - I Have a Voice: How to Stop Stuttering, Paperback (2nd Edition) – by Bob Bodenhamer.
Formerly titled “Mastering Blocking & Stuttering: A Cognitive Approach to Achieving Fluency” .
Bob Bodenhamer explains that blocking results from the thinking (cognition) of the stuttering as he or she associates speaking with a lot of fear and anxiety about stuttering. Most blocking is no more than a panic attack expressed in the muscles that control breathing and speaking. This book both explains the structure of blocking and provides the tools for gaining more fluency. - Job Interview Confidence: Replacing Anxiety with Self-Belief by Dr Hiten Vyas – Amazon Kindle Edition
“Dr Vyas helps you with job interviews, one of the most anxious situations as person who stammers can find themselves in. Using this eBook, you will learn and apply the NLP technique known as ‘re-framing’ to change unhelpful meanings you have created about your ability to speak in job interviews. You will learn how to replace these meanings with empowering ones, to help you approach job interview situations with confidence.” - Recommended Neuro-Science Books -I have found great inspiration from reading in the relatively new field called Neuro-Science. Hopefully, in forthcoming books, I hope to show how the Neuro-Sciences lend much credibility to the model for treating stuttering that we present in Neuro-Semantics. I have been using some quotes in some recent posts (11/20/2009) on our email list. From that list I have received a request to present a Bibliography on Neuro-Science as found here.
- Watch Tony Robbins do a masterful job of assisting a PWS in the overcoming of his fears about stuttering which led the PWS to unbelievable fluency. These results were obtained in just one session or demonstration to a crowd of participants. In this presentation, Tony shows his superb skill at using NLP skills in bringing about the reframing of old limiting beliefs into new, powerful resources. It is a masterpiece of work.
NLP Books
NLP Introductory:
- The User’s Manual for the Brain – Volume I
- The Source Book of Magic
- Figuring Out People (on Meta-Programs)
- Communication Magic (on the Meta-Model)
- Adventures with Time-Lines
- MovieMind (2003)
NLP Introductory Applications:
- Patterns for Renewing the Mind (for Christian Counseling) – New 2nd edition
- Instant Relaxation
- Games Great Lovers Play
NLP Advanced:
- The User’s Manual for the Brain – Volume II (Released June 2003)
- The Spirit of NLP
- Sub-Modalities Going Meta
- Mind-Lines (2005, 5th edition)
- Hypnotic Language: Its Structure & Use
- Coaching Conversations
Meta-State Books
Meta-States Introductory:
- Dragon Slaying: Dragons to Princess (2000, 2nd edititon)
- Winning the Inner Game
- Secrets of Personal Mastery
- Games Slim People Play
- Games for Mastering Fear
- Games Business Experts Play
Meta-States Advanced:
- Meta-States: Mastering the Higher Levels of Your Mind (2008, 3rd edition, hardcover)
- NLP: Going Meta
- The Structure of Personality
- The Matrix Model