Watch Tony Robbins do a masterful job of assisting a PWS in the overcoming of his fears about stuttering which led the PWS to unbelievable fluency. These results were obtained in just one session or demonstration to a crowd of participants. In this presentation, Tony shows his superb skill at using NLP skills in bringing about the reframing of old limiting beliefs into new, powerful resources. It is a masterpiece of work.
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Suggestions for new PWS to the NLP/NS Model
By Bob Bodenhamer
Pour la traduction française, cliquez ici (PDF)
Information for the PWS new to the Model
Over the years in working with PWS, I have summarized what I believe to be the foundation of what “triggers” stuttering and some techniques/ patterns to assist the PWS in gaining more fluency. As you enter into this new way of thinking about stuttering be patient for it will no doubt be a journey of some years but above all be persistent. You are probably beginning a journey of from 1 to 3 years but it has the potential of radically re-organizing your thinking about who you are and what you will be doing with your life. That is worth spending 2 or 3 years on, isn’t it?
Suggestions for the PWS:
There are a lot of articles on the web site ( that should prove helpful. Below find a list of what I believe key articles that present the information crucial to your understanding as you begin this journey.
- “Eight ‘Keys’ to Personal Change: Thirteen Years of NLP”
- “How to Create a Good Dose of Stuttering: The Neuro-Semantic Structure of Stuttering”
- “Meta-Stating Stuttering: Approaching Stuttering Using NLP and Neuro-Semantics”
- “The ‘How-To’ of Meta-Stating”
- “A Model for Resolving Stuttering”
- “From Stuttering to Stability: A Case Study”
Techniques/ Patterns that have proven quite helpful to other PWS are:
1. The “Meta-Yes/ Meta-No Pattern”.
2. The “Drop-Down Through Pattern”. (Case Study)
3. “Applying Acceptance, Appreciation and Esteem to Yourself Pattern”.
4. “The Power Zone Pattern with Responsibility To/For”
5. “The Mind-to-Muscle Pattern”
6. Make sure you learn the difference between “associating and dissociating” and learn how to do it. This process from Gestalt Psychology is covered in the article entitled “Eight Keys to Personal Change” number 6.
7. Also, learn the “Perceptual Positions” and practice those especially practicing how to go to your 5th position (Number 8 in the above pattern).
8. I have a book Mastering Blocking and Stuttering: A Cognitive Approach to Achieving Fluency. It is available from the web site through me and it is also available through Amazon as well as the publisher. This book has
numerous Neuro-Linguistic and Neuro-Semantic Techniques/Patterns for you to utilize in “challenging” your stuttering mind with your fluency mind. Also, within the pages of this book, you will find a theoretical foundation for stuttering and what must happen for fluency.
8. John Harrison, former PWS, lived through the fear of stuttering, conquered the problem, and even wrote a 485-page book about it – REDEFINING STUTTERING: What the struggle to speak is really all about – that’s
available on line at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and as a free PDF download at:
9. I highly recommend that you find a cognitive trained therapist to assist you with those deep learnings of fear and anxiety that trigger you to block. If this isn’t possible, read and practice. Post questions on the email list as
there are some really good people on that list to help you. Look through the archives of the list to found volumes of great posts. A list of providers is found at:
Also, if you are not already a member of our email list, I highly encourage you to join. The archives are full of great posts. This list is active. There are over 800 members:
Discovering your “Highest Resource” for Gaining Fluency
“The Drop Down Through Pattern”
It is better to have someone assist you with the Drop Down Through Pattern but many people run it on themselves successfully.
As to discovering your highest resource think for a moment what you hold to be your very highest value. It may also be a belief. We tend to value our beliefs and believe in our values. For most, their Higher Resource is of a Spiritual nature.
Such answers that we here are love, unity, oneness, openness, vastness, serenity, peace, Jesus, God, Allah, Higher Power, etc.
Find one of these high states of mind that you hold dear and really think about that state. When were you last in that state? Imagine yourself back in that state now. What was it like? What were you seeing and hearing? How did it feel? Where in your body do you feel that high state?
Now, once you access that high state hold that state in mind and then bring into that state a state about your fearing blocking or about being anxious about blocking. What you will be doing is allowing these to polar states to merge together into one with the higher state demolishing, hopefully, that fear or anxiety state.
Introduction to PWS interested in Therapy
First of all, I need to be upfront with you and let you know that this is no magical cure. Those who gain good progress spend a great deal of time working on their speech under my directions or the directions of their therapist. I am talking about 1 to 3 years so it is a major commitment in time.
However, we are not talking about a huge amount of time in therapy – plan on 8 to 20 or 24 hours over a period of 3 or 4 months followed by tune up session every month or so.
Approximately 1/3rd of the people I see experience significant improvement. Another 1/3rd experience feeling much better about themselves and getting more involved in their world. There is usually some improvement in their speech. With these, I have very high hopes that over the years with their new learnings they will see significant improvement in speech.
Another 1/3rd make no progress – most drop out after 2 to 4 sessions. When they realize that what I do isn’t a magical cure, they are gone.
This is for most PWS slow tedious work. Don’t give up. Just keep working and practicing and I am talking about 1, 2 or even 3 years or longer. You can do it.
Contact Information:
Bobby G Bodenhamer, D.Min.
1516 Cecelia Dr
Gastonia, NC 28054
Fax: 704.864.1545 (Christian site)
Eight “Keys” to Personal Change
Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.
Pour la traduction française, cliquez ici (PDF)
For the past thirteen years I have poured my life into learning Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and applying it in the therapeutic, teaching and writing world. For the past seven years, I have worked with L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. in developing the model Neuro-Semantics which is an advancement of the NLP model.
Over these years I have had the honor of working with approximately 750 therapy clients involving approximately 3000 hours of therapy. I have also had the unique privilege of teaching NLP at Gaston College for the past eleven years. In addition I have taught numerous Practitioner Certification Courses and Master Practitioner Courses. The numbers of one-session seminars I have led are too numerous to count.
Needless to say, the past thirteen years have been quite eventful. What a joy and privilege life has afforded me with all the above experiences. Well, so what? That is a question I have been asking myself. So what? If I were to take all the above and summarize it down to its essence (according to Bob of course), how would I summarize what I have learned into one article?
Now, since the major thrust of the work I do involves assisting therapy clients and class participants toward positive change, I will direct the following remarks to what I believe is the essence of personal change from the structural viewpoint of NLP and Meta-States as developed my L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. We call the merged fields of NLP and Meta States, Neuro-Semantics. What were the key elements in the lives of those countless hundreds whom it has been my privilege to work with that brought about positive changes in their lives?
Eight Key Structural Elements Involved in Personal Change:
In this article I will provide the groundwork by defining some basic beliefs we have in Neuro-Semantics about just “how” your brain works. Note the word “how.” That word is important. In Neuro-Semantics we place prime importance on the mental processes that determine behavior. What do you do inside your head in order to have a problem and what do you have to do inside your head in order to “fix” your problem? What kind of pictures, feelings, sounds and word meanings do you need inside your head in order to do the problem? What kind of pictures, feelings, sounds and word meanings do you need to activate in your head in order to not to have the problem? By the way, we believe that brains aren’t broken; they just run sick thought patterns really well. Indeed, the brain doesn’t care whether or not you think yourself sick or whether you think yourself well. Your brain just does what you tell it to do. This is what this article is about. Those who change their thinking understand and accept these beliefs:
1. The brain primarily processes information from the outside world through the five senses. You experience your world through what you see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Now, importantly to Neuro-Semantics, we believe that when you re-present your world on the screen of your consciousness, you utilize the same programs involved in the event of recall. When you recall something you have seen before, you will recall it with a picture (Visual). When you recall something you have heard before, you will recall it with remembered sounds (Auditory). The same is true for feelings (Kinesthetic), smells (Olfactory) and tastes (Gustatory). We call these the Representational Systems or VAK for short and they are the first component of the movies of our mind.
Figure 1
Your brain not only does this with remembered experiences, it does the same with constructed experiences. I can ask you to imagine seeing yourself where you want to be one year from now. Your brain knows how to construct a picture of the desired you one year from now.
Now, these experiences we re-present on the screen of our minds (images) often contain more than just one system. We can recall a picture and also have sounds with it as well as feelings. Furthermore, these images have finer qualities. Usually images that we hold as very important to us will be very close to our eyes visually. They will often be very bright and colorful to let us know this image is important.
Exercise: Step back and take notice of the movie that you have created inside your head that depicts your problem state. Note the picture of your problem. Is it a still picture or a movie picture? Is it in color or is it black and white? Is the picture up and close or is it far off? What about any sounds associated with your problem? Are they loud or soft? What directions do the sounds come to you from? What about feelings? What kind of feelings do you have in your body about the problem? Where these feelings are located in your body? Are the feelings heavy or light? Experiment with your movie by moving the picture further away. Change the tone and location of the sounds. Move the feelings from inside your body to outside your body. Etc.
2. The brain gives meaning to these images with words. So, I have pictures, feelings, sounds, smells and tastes in my mind, so what? Your brain doesn’t stop there, as a thinking class of life; the human brain has the marvelous ability of giving meaning to these images with words. These words are “about” the images composed of pictures, sounds, feelings, smells and/or taste.
Figure 2
3. The brain doesn’t stop at just the first level of word meaning you gave to the image. Your brain keeps having thoughts (primarily with words) about thoughts (See Figure 1:2). The brain does not stop at one thought, it continues having thoughts about thoughts and there is where the “magic” lies. In Neuro-Semantics we realize that as important as Representation is, there is yet something more powerful and more magical¾ reference. That’s how the brain works. It starts with a referent experience, the event. Something happens. Then we re-present it on the screen of our mind with the Representational System (VAKOG). But by reflexive awareness, we develop a thought and a feeling ABOUT it, now we have our first frame of reference.
4. Repeating thoughts will create unconscious frames-of-mind that will direct our consciousness to the five to nine items that we can do while multi-tasking. These frames of mind operate inside our head totally outside of consciousness. Our brains do not stop at just one thought. It will keep on thinking thoughts about thoughts. These thoughts about thoughts when habituated (drop into the unconscious) become our Frames of Mind – our perceptual filters through which we view our world. These frames become like eyeglasses through which we view and experience our world. And that doesn’t end it. We develop frames-within-frames, each frame embedded in another frame.
These higher frames determine our neuro-semantic states that governs the way we think, feel, our health, skills, everything. All the while we are having thoughts about thoughts, these thoughts are interaction with our physiology through our central nervous system and out of that interaction comes what we call “states” of being. And, out of our “states” of being comes our behavior. Thus, “as a man thinketh, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).
These “repeated” unconscious frames of mind become our blessing or our curse. In problem framing, we can have frames of mind that say, “I am worthless.” “I can’t ever do anything right.” “In order for me to have personal worth, I have to do for other people; I am not an OK person in myself.” Etc. Such frames inevitably come from our earlier years and for that reason become quite unconscious and difficult to change on our own. However, they are changeable and they do change for they are just thoughts no matter how much they operate outside of consciousness. In “fixing” ourselves, metaphorically we delete those old frames of mind and install new frames of mind that serve us. This is what Neuro-Semantics is all about.
The individuals who make personal changes accept that they have constructed these frames themselves with their internal representations and with the numerous layering of meanings. This layering of meaning is done mostly with words. In therapy, I constantly discover old memories of the person hearing dad or mom tell them that they are worthless or that dad or mom was absent in their lives and from that they developed a word meaning frame that “I must be worthless because dad and/or mom was not here for me.” Etc. Important to personal change is to accept the reality that these frames are constructed and therefore can be de-constructed.
Exercise: What meanings have you given the image inside your head that made that experience a problem for you? What does the problem mean to you? What kind of beliefs have you developed about it? How is it now a problem for you? How would you like to change these meanings? What kind of meanings could you give that situation that would now serve you? What have you learned from it that will assist you in letting that problem state go?
5. People that change believe and are aware that “The Map Is Not The Territory” or “The Menu Is Not The Meal” and they believe it is their map and their map alone that they operate out of. This is another way of saying that our perception is not reality. It is only our perception of it. However, because it is our perception (our Internal Representation and conceptual meanings) it is what we operate from.
Figure 3
It doesn’t matter how accurately it maps (perceive) our present reality. We will operate from our perceptions as governed by our higher-level frames of mind. This means:
a. Those that change recognize the value of creating a map (perception) that accurately, as far as symbolically possible, maps the present moment. We are a “symbolic class of life.” We do that with the VAKOG and Word meanings acting as “symbols” from our experience of our world through our five senses. But, these are just symbols about our world. They are not the world. We get into trouble when we confuse the two and label our “symbols” as being “real” in the sense that they accurately map out our world. When we consciously or unconsciously operate from frames of mind that we learned in childhood, we certainly are not operating from a map that even comes close to accurately mapping out the adult world we now live in. This is the root of most problems if not all of them.
b. Those that change their thinking by recognizing that their map is not the territory will eliminate the problem of cause-effect in their lives. What do I mean? I mean that the individual who understands and accepts that our internal map/ perception is not and cannot be the territory (the external world) will stop the foolishness of believing other people control his or her mind without his or her permission. No one can make you believe or feel anything you choose not to believe or feel.
Just because we may have grown up in a dysfunctional family does not mean that we are or have to remain a dysfunctional person even if we learned some poor ways to think and behave. We can “own” our own brain, take control of it and learn new ways of thinking. Brains are very flexible. As an example, think of something unpleasant. Now think of something pleasant. Note how rapidly you can change your thinking. Old unwanted patterns of thinking are just habituated thought patterns that “seem real” because they have become unconscious and “feel” real. But, guess what? They can change.
Now, many have an “invested” interest in getting you to believe that these thought patterns are “real” and that you can do nothing about them. Don’t buy that limiting frame. You can change these thought patterns. You can “renew your mind.” You can think on things that are pure, just, right, lovely, etc. Indeed, you can think on anything you choose to think on. Just give yourself permission.
c. They recognize that the words and images inside our heads are not “real” in the sense that they are set in concrete – they are changeable. They are just “symbols” of the external world. We have instruments that will detect the nerve cells and the neuro-transmitters that allow one nerve cell to communicate with another nerve cell. However, can neuro-scientist go inside the brain and find/ measure a picture, a sound, a feeling or a word? No, they are “abstractions” of the mind hence our conceptual states that are generated at the moment of thought and then they disappear until we think the thought again. Because the images and word meanings inside our head are not “real” in the sense that they are set in concrete, they only have the reality we give them.
Consider this; think of a mildly unpleasant memory and note what pops into your mind and how you feel. Now, think of a pleasant memory and notice what pops into your mind and how you feel. Which type thinking best serves you? Why would you want to “create” an image and a thought inside your head that makes you feel bad? Have you ever thought about just not doing that anymore? After all, these thoughts aren’t real unless you generate them.
How can we use this knowledge? Simple. Since the thoughts including the decisions inside our heads are just thoughts, we can change them as we will. In other words, if you don’t like a decision you have made, say “no” to it. Apply “no” to the unwanted decision. When you do this you are meta-stating (applying one thought to another. (See #7 below.) the unwanted decision with a higher level “no.” What happens when you say “no” to that unwanted decision? Now, create a decision that will serve you and say “yes” to it. Again, you are meta-stating your desired decision with a “yes.”
Have you ever thought of this¾ the only difference between a thought and a belief is that a belief is a thought to which you have said, “yes.” A belief is a thought that you have affirmed by saying, “I believe this. This thought is for me.” Now, utilize the same processes of the mind in changing original thoughts by thinking other thoughts about them by saying “no” to the decision/thought you don’t want and “yes” to the decision or thought you do want.
How many times do I need to do this? Good question. The brain learns through repetition. Remember how you learned to ride a bicycle or to drive a car? You rehearsed until the knowledge dropped into your unconscious and it became habitual. Do the same thing with saying “no” to what you don’t want and “yes” to what you do want. Every time the decision/thought pops up you don’t want, say “no” to it and then immediately say, “yes” to the one you do want. By doing this you are “breaking” the old unwanted habitual pattern and installing a new direction for your mind to go towards¾ a direction that will best serve you. After all, they are just thoughts so think thoughts that serve you.
6. The awesome power of knowing the difference between associating and dissociating. Before I explain this difference, consider this simple exercise. Imagine yourself walking up to your refrigerator. You open the refrigerator door. Once inside the refrigerator you open the vegetable drawer. Inside the vegetable drawer you see a lemon. You take out the lemon, close the vegetable drawer and then the refrigerator door. Lemon in hand, you walk over to your kitchen cabinet; take out a cutting board and a knife. You proceed to slice the lemon in half then you take one of the halves and slice the half in half and you have two-quarter slices of lemon. You then pick up one of the quarter slices of lemon and put it in your mouth and squeeze the lemon as you feel the lemon juice pouring into your mouth. Is your mouth watering “as if” you actually had a slice of lemon in your mouth? Most people’s mouth will water. This little exercise illustrates that the brain doesn’t know the difference between what you imagine and what you are actually experiencing in the present.
Similarly, suppose we consciously or unconsciously imagine ourselves as a little boy or little girl back in our dysfunctional family. Suppose we recall hearing and seeing a parent screaming at us. We hear them telling us how stupid they believe we are. How do you think you would feel even though you are now a grown adult and not a child? You would feel bad, wouldn’t you? That is what I mean by associating. Almost universally, I discover clients are having problems in adulthood due to their imagining themselves still children. They continue using their childhood experiences as their present frame of reference.
We call this “associating.” You know if you are associating into a memory if when you recall it you do not see yourself in the picture. Let’s experiment. Recall a mildly painful memory. Get a picture of it. Now, in the picture note whether or not you see yourself or you just see the other people and environment in that picture. If you do not see yourself, mentally, you have associated back into that memory and you will tend to experience the same negative feelings you had when you experienced it.
Now, because the brain does not know the difference between what you represent by imagination or by current input (unless you inform it), when you mentally place yourself back into some painful memory, you will have negative feelings very similar to what you experienced during that event. If you see yourself in that picture as the younger you, we call that dissociating. When people say something like, “That doesn’t bother me anymore; I have distanced myself from it.” They have in fact dissociated from the memory by seeing themselves in the picture and by pushing the picture away from their eyes so it is at a distance. This diminishes the feelings whereas associating into a memory tends to increase the feelings (for most people).
When we consciously or unconsciously associate back into our past hurtful memories and operate from the mental frames (conceptual meanings) that we gave them, we are confusing the map with the territory. When we do this we are living our adult lives inside the painful experiences of childhood. The thinking we developed then served us then but it doesn’t serve us in adulthood. If you find yourself:
- (Jumping to Conclusions) generalization
- (Being Narrow Minded) centration
- (Playing the “blame game”) transductive reasoning
- (Personalizing) egocentrism
- (Making mountains out of molehills.) inductive logic or castraphizing
- (Black and white thinking) thinking in absolutes and
- (Blocking out past positive examples.) irreversability
then you are operating from childhood frames. John Burton, Ed.D. has an article on the Neuro-Semantics’ web site that defines the thinking styles of children. The title of the article is “Hypnotic Language: Solutions in a Word.” You may find the article at:
If I were to list one common element of the problems that I have confronted during these thirteen years as a therapist, I would list associating into past painful memories. The problem of unconsciously associating into childhood problem states and bringing that forward into the adult world lies at the root of many problems that I see therapeutically.
Note: You may have tried through years of reading and/ or attending trainings to “fix” your thinking without it working. Experience has taught me that often times a person will need assistance in activating these associated frames in order to bring them to conscious level. From there it becomes fairly easy to meta-state (apply a resource state to the problem state) and reframe them. But know this, you can change your thinking no matter how unconscious the problem state. If you do not know whether or not you are associating into some past memory, you can bet you are doing just that unconsciously if you are having problems with unwanted behaviors and thoughts.
Exercise: For many people to dissociate (pop out of that memory and see themselves in the event) can make a profound change. So, recall the event that triggered your problem state. Recall the event by getting a picture of it. Now, as you look at the picture, do you see yourself in the picture or do you just see the other person(s) and the surrounding people if others were there take note of the physical place where you were at that time.
If you do not see yourself that means that you are recalling the painful memory associated. This means that your brain is telling your body that you are still there experiencing that painful experience now in the present. So, pop out of that painful memory and see yourself in the memory.
you pop out and see yourself there, note that you are viewing it from another perspective. You are viewing it from the “now” which means that you can bring the resources of your present life with all the subsequent learnings to bear on that event. And, by bringing the resources of the present to bear on that event you can place new and more useful meanings to it. And, as you have now popped out of that experience you can just notice how that picture just moves further and further away as you distance yourself from it. And, as you do that you can preserve and keep all the learnings both good and bad from that experience. And, once you have preserved those learnings you no longer need to hold on to that old pain, do you?
If by chance you were not associated into that old memory, you can still bring the learnings and resources you now have onto that old memory. All the while distancing yourself from it.
7. People who change know how to apply higher meta-level states to lower level problems. As we have learned, our brains do not stop at just one thought. It will keep on thinking thoughts about thoughts.
When we have a “thought about a thought” the second thought will change the first thought and that is where the magic lies. In thinking and behaving the ability of the brain to have thoughts about thoughts is crucial. Here is the secret. When you have one thought (thoughts are composed of images and conceptual meanings) and then entertain another thought “about” the original thought the original thought will change (See Figure 4).
Figure 4
What in the world does that mean? It is simple. If you have an experience that scares you and from that experience you become afraid of your fear, what will happen? In this case the fear will intensify. Indeed, applying fear to fear leads to paranoia. What if instead of becoming fearful of your fear, you welcomed your fear? You applied the thought that this fear has value to me and I will welcome it? What will happen to the fear? It will modulate the fear where you can step outside of it and learn from it. Then, once you learn what you need to learn from the fear, you apply the thought of faith/ courage to your fear, what would happen? What happens to fear when faith and courage are applied to it? Fear disappears in the face of strong faith and courage (See Figure 5).
Figure 5
Play with your brain. Get a thought of anger. Now, apply to your anger the thought of forgiveness. Take the same anger and apply the thought of love. What about taking your anger and applying the thought of calmness to it, what happens? Would you have ever guessed how easy you could change your states of mind by applying one thought to another thought?
Every time we take a thought and apply another thought to it, the original thought will modulate or change in some way. We call this Meta-Stating¾ applying one thought to another thought. And, herein lies the magic. Herein lies your ability to re-format and re-program your thinking. Those whom I have seen who have changed their thinking, inevitably have meta-stated their problem state with higher-level resource states. Instead of meta-stating themselves sick, they learned to meta-state themselves well. They left re-building a new set of higher-level mental frames that served them.
Exercise: So, how does one bring to bear or apply a resource state to a problem state? Follow these three simple steps:
1. Get the problem thought in your mind that you would like to change. Note the movie of the problem and the meanings (thought-feelings) that you have given this problem.
2. Now, access a resource state – a thought-feeling that once you apply to the problem state will change and maybe even eliminate it. In our example above we applied faith and courage to fear. What thought-feeling state of mind can you access now that once it is applied to the problem state, will positively change and maybe even eliminate the problem thought-state?
3. Step into the resource state (#2). Be totally in it experiencing it. Then, apply the resource state to the problem state.
How to do it –
What happens when you bring the resource state to bear or apply it to the problem state? Having trouble? If so, think of your problem state. Hold it in mind. Now, put that thought aside. Access a resource state and step into it and experiencing it by having the movie of it and the word meanings activated. Once you do that, apply the resource state to the problem state.
Some people apply one thought to another with just the words. They just apply the resource thought to the problem thought with their “sense” of both as they process primarily with just language. Some take a visual image of both and do it visually by moving the resource image of resource state to the image of the problem state. Others do it with feelings as they move the resource state from where it is located in their body to the location of the problem state wherever it is in their body. All these work great and will be dependent upon how the person primarily operates: with pictures, with sounds, with feelings or with the language of words.
When I apply “faith” to “fear” I have a picture of the word “fear,” and from there I access “faith” by getting a picture of the word “faith” and above the word “faith” I have a picture of Jesus. I am a Christian and that picture of Him represents a powerful state for me. So, Jesus empowers the word “faith” and as I visually move the word “faith” on top of the word “fear” the word “fear” shatters into many pieces and disappears. Fear cannot operate in the presence of an empowered faith for me because my belief system will not let it. So, Jesus empowers faith and when I apply that to “fear,” fear disappears.
Note: In NLP we do not judge people’s resources, we use them. You access your own resources for we believe that they are adequate for your own healing.
Others do it kinesthetically as they will move the feeling of resource state into the location of the problem state. For example, when courage and fear are applied to fear you will end up with “courageous” fear or “faithful” fear. How does that change the fear? (See Figure 5).
8. People Who Change Know How to Take On Different Perspectives to the Problem. By being able to take on different perspective, they have much more flexibility in dealing with the painful experience. The more flexible is the person, the more resourceful is that person. The realization that we humans operate from five basic ways of looking at experience offers tremendous potential in state control and in the enhancing of our communication. NLP first offered three positions. We have expanded them to five positions. We refer to these ways as being the first, second, third, fourth and fifth perceptual positions and explain them in The User’s Manual for the Brain.
First Position
When you associate into your own body, you live in first position. This permits you to look at the world from your own viewpoint. In the first position, you do not take into account anyone else’s position. You simply think, “How does this conversation or communication affect me?”
First position is the normal and healthy position of seeing, hearing, and feeling from out of self. It is the position needed in order to speak with authenticity, to present yourself, your thoughts, feelings, and responses congruently, to disclose, listen, inquire, and be present with another. When you visually recall a memory and do not see yourself in the picture, you are associated into that memory – you are “inside” that memory looking through your eyes, hearing the sounds and feeling the feelings as if there.
Second Position
When you are in second position, you are “walking in the other person’s shoes.” You take into consideration how a communication or event would look, feel and sound from another person’s point of view. In the second position, you imagine yourself entering the other person’s body. In this position you imagine looking at yourself through their eyes. Second position is to understand, feel with, experience empathy for and see things from another’s point of view. Here you’ll feel in accord with the other and have a strong sense of his or her perceptive.
What do you look like, sound like and what feelings do you get from the other person’s viewpoint of you? In the second position you develop the ability in experiencing empathy. This position gives much flexibility when involved in conflict with someone. From the second position you can appreciate how they feel about your conversation and behavior. Build rapport before going second position. And, by going second position, notice how the rapport deepens. Second position offers an extremely valuable model in deepening rapport.
Third Position
When you distance yourself from an event, you more than likely do it by going to the third position. Third position offers a way of dissociating from the entire event or conversation. In the third position you become an independent observer. Third position allows us to operate from the position of objectivity. Ask yourself, “How would this conversation or event look to someone totally uninvolved?” Imagine yourself being out of your body and off to the side of the conversation between you and the other person. You can see both yourself and the other person. The third position allows you to step back, to gain a sense of distance, to observe, to witness, to feel neutral and to appreciate both positions fully. You know you are in third position when you recall a memory and see yourself in the memory. If you see yourself in the memory, you are “outside” yourself and this allows you to give yourself distance from that memory if you so choose. Whereas first position intensifies the feelings (for most people), third positions diminishes the feelings as you can distance yourself from the memory.
Fourth Position
Robert Dilts (1990) specified the Fourth Perceptual Position in his book Changing Belief Systems with NLP. He defined the Fourth Position as “We” – from the perspective of the system. Many refer to it as the “Systems” Position. In this position, we have “associated in the perspective of the whole system.” To take fourth position, step aside and adopt the perspective of the whole system so that you can there consider what would contribute to the best interest of the system. In the fourth position, everyone in the system is taken account of. A question to ask is, “What are my place, responsibility and position in this system? A linguistic format for this position goes: “If we consider our common goals…” The fourth position (Systems Position) allows us to understand the contexts (cultural, linguistic, business, family, etc.) that influence all of the larger systems and contexts of our world.
In using this for myself, I have modified it somewhat. Dilt’s model calls for associating into the system. I first associate into the system and then go to the third position to view objectively my position in relation to others in the team. Then I go second position to each person in the team and then back to the associated systems position. I rotate back and forth through these positions as I deem necessary. I have found this most useful as have other clients that I have coached.
Fifth Position
Marilyn Atkinson (1997) in an unpublished manuscript entitled “Five Central Ideas” suggests another perceptual position – “a universal perceptual position.” This results from applying the generalizations like all, always, everyone, etc to our perspective. Doing so “springboards us to the valuable idea of a universal perceptual position..” This provides the widest and largest level perspective of all.
Figure 6
Perceptual Positions
By taking this meta-position to everything, we can then learn to take on multiple perceptual positions and even change rapidly between them. Doing so increases our flexibility of consciousness so that we don’t get stuck in any one position.
I love the fifth position for therapeutic purposes. For people who hold spiritual beliefs, their fifth position is ultimately in their spiritual place. As a Christian, when I go to fifth position, I view myself as being with Jesus. I am way “up there” with Him looking down on myself way down here. If you hold spiritual beliefs, imagine yourself leaving your body and going up and being with God. Once you get up there and see yourself down here, how does that affect your speech? Going “up there” is most relaxing and calming to many people.
None of these positions offer a superior position to the other. Each position has equal importance. The wise communicator knows how to move at will from one position to the other.
Getting “Stuck” in one Perceptual Position
Just think what would happen if you got stuck in either position – it does matter where you live. A person stuck in first position would find himself or herself an egotist. Do you know anyone who lives in first position? A person stuck in second position would live constantly over-influenced by other people’s views. In my NLP classes, after I explain the second position, and how those who live in second position tend to let the state of others determine their state, I say, “Second position functions as the position of co-dependency.” Just about every time I do this, sighs come from students as they realize what and how they have caused themselves to allow others to control their states.
A person stuck in third position would become detached and unfeeling. Others perceive these people as “cold hearted.” Indeed, I have found that those who live in third position find themselves as the loners of the world. Many, but not all, also will have the characteristics of the person who lives in a world of words. These people provide society its thinkers and philosophers. Living life detached permits a person to analyze objectively.
Everyone moves from one position to the other. For most, moving from one position to another flows with everyday life. The ability to move from one to the other, either consciously or unconsciously, permits one to act with wisdom and respond appropriately. By moving among the three perceptual positions, you will add richness and choice to your conversations.
Exercise: Exercise: Perceptual Positions
1) Recall the problem state and be in it for just a moment. We will soon “leave” there.
2) First Position – Associate into your body (first position) by seeing what you saw, hearing what you heard, and feeling what you felt. Do you still feel the same negative emotions you felt then? You probably will. Be there in that painful memory (associated) if you have memory of it.
3) Second Position – Now, imagine yourself floating out of your body and floating into the person associated with that painful memory. You may need to do this with more than one person if there were more than one involved in the painful experience. Look through their eyes at yourself. Notice how you looked during that event. How do you appear to the other person?
How do you feel as you look at yourself from their perspective? Would that person want you to hold on to those negative emotions? What would that person say to you now about the event? You are now walking in the other person’s shoes.
4) Third Position – Now, imagine yourself dissociated from the total event. Move yourself off to the side where you can see both yourself and the person(s) in that painful experience. How do you view the situation from this dissociated position? As you look at both yourself and the other person, did you really have a justifiable reason to be in such a problem state? Was your tension justifiable? Was the person really a threat to you? Or, did you just imagine that the person was a threat?
5) Fourth Position – If the content of problem involved other people, view the experience from the perspective of your position within the context of the total team, family, etc. What do you learn from the systems position (Systems Position)? How would other team members, family members, etc. want you to view that experience now? What would each of them say to you? What can you learn from each of them? How can you best serve the team, family, etc. now from what you have learned from this experience?
6) Fifth Position – Now move to the fifth position way out in the universe, all the way out with God if you have that belief. Go way out in the universe (with God) viewing the experience of your problem from this position, how does the situation change from that position? How do you feel? Do you feel more relaxed and calm being way out there?
If you believe in God or some Universal Being, how do you feel being in the presence of God? What happens to the tension, fear, anxiety, etc associated with the problem state being in the presence of deity?
Note: Many who have overcome their problems have found the 5th Position extremely helpful. They learn how to go there at will through consistent practice. In the 5th Position most people are very relaxed and calm which provides the proper state for resolving their problems. Since learning that state of mind, I have found it most useful not only in solving my personal problems but in decision making as well. To my knowledge, I have never made a bad decision when I leave my body with its problem state (dissociate – 2nd Position) and go out and be with Jesus and from there look back and see myself from His perspective (5th Position). This position will serve you well. Why? When you are inside (associated) into your higher values, beliefs, etc. represented by your 5th position, you make great choices and you will find it easy to let go of hurt, anger, guilt, bitterness, etc.
I encourage the reader to “process” the materials found in this article. Access some personal problem and take that problem through all eight of the steps explained in this article. You may experience utter amazement at how that “problem” becomes a lesser problem.
Atkinson, Marilyn. (1997). “The grammar of God.” Vancouver, BC: Unpublished Manuscript.
Bateson, Gregory. Steps to An Ecology of Mind. (1972). New York: Ballantine.
Bodenhamer, Bobby G., and Hall, L. Michael. (1999). The User’s Manual for the Brain: The Complete Manual for Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification. Wales, UK: Crown House Publishing.
Burton, John, Ed.D. and Bodenhamer, Bobby G., D. Min. (2000) Hypnotic Language: Its Structure and Use. Wales, UK: Crown House Publishing.
Dilts, Robert. (1990). Changing Belief Systems with NLP. Cupertino, CA: Meta-Publications.
Hall, L. Michael. Secrets of Personal Mastery: Advanced Techniques for Accessing Your Higher Levels of Consciousness. (2000). Wales, UK: Crown House Publishing.
Korzybski, Alfred. Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics (1933/1994). (5th. Ed.), Lakeville, CN: International Non-Aristotelian Library Publishing Co.
Note: Permission to Reprint – Permission is granted to reprint and distribute this article as long as it is distributed in total including the information about the author.
Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.
The Institute of Neuro-Semantics
1516 Cecelia Dr
Gastonia, NC 28054
Phone 704-864-3585
Fax 704-864-1545
bobbybodenhamer @
Dr. Bodenhamer first trained for the ministry, earned a doctorate in Ministry, and served five churches as pastor. He is presently serving as pastor of a small church in Gastonia, NC. He began NLP training in 1989, studying with Dr. Gene Rooney of L.E.A.D’s. Consultants for his Practitioner training and Dr. Tad James for His Master Practitioner Certification and with Tad and Dr. Wyatt Woodsmall for his Trainer’s Certification. Since then, he has taught and certified NLP trainings at Gaston College, Dallas, NC. He has also taught internationally.
Beginning in 1996, Dr. Bodenhamer began studying the Meta-States model and then teamed up with Michael to begin co-authoring several books. Since that he, he has turned out many works as he and Michael have applied the NLP and Meta-States Models to various facets of human experience.
In 1996 also, Dr. Bodenhamer with Michael co-founded the Society of Neuro-Semantics. This has taken his work to a new level, taken him into International Trainings, and set in motion many Institutes of Neuro-Semantics around the world.
Mastering Blocking & Stuttering: A Cognitive Approach to Achieving Fluency (2005)
Patterns For “Renewing the Mind” (w. Hall, 1997)
Time-Lining: Advance Time-Line Processes (w. Hall, 1997)
Figuring Out People: Design Engineering With Meta-Programs (w. Hall, 1997)
Mind Lines: Lines For Changing Minds (w. Hall, 1997, 2000 3rd edition)
The Structure of Excellence: Unmasking the Meta-Levels of Submodalities (w. Hall, 1999)
The User’s Manual of the Brain Volume I (1999, w. Hall)
The User’s Manual of the Brain Volume II (2003, w. Hall)
Hypnotic Language(2000, w. Burton)
The Structure of Personality: Modeling “Personality” Using NLP and Neuro-Semantics. (Hall , Bodenhamer, Bolstad, Harmblett, 2001)
Games for Mastering Fears (2001, with Hall)
Brain 101: How to Play the Brain Game for Fun and Profit
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Pour la traduction française, cliquez ici (PDF)
The Brain Game
How Do We Run Our Own Brain?
So you want to run your own brain? Good for you. What a wonderful objective! And so rare. Many people talk about running their own brain and taking charge of their own mind, but just watch them when criticized or insulted. They go to pieces. Let one of their closely held beliefs be questioned, and watch out. Sudden it becomes semantic reaction time. They explode with rage, anger, stress, fear, shock, etc. If they truly “run their own brains,” how is it that they lack state management skills in the moments when managing one’s reactions really counts?
Running our own brain, and thinking freely in independent ways apart from rehashing worn-out or spoon fed thoughts necessitates several things. It necessitates that we develop mindfulness about our brains (or more accurately, our minds) so that we actually develop state management skills. It means we learn to play a new Game, The “Running My Own Brain” Game. So, with that in mind:
- What do you need to understand about brains to be able to run yours?
- Would you like to play the Brain Game?
Here are seven things about your brain. They provide a description about how brains work. They also establish an understanding of the Game of Running Your Own Brain and so lead to the Rules of the Game.
#1: Brains Follow Directions
Brains follow directions. They take the directions that you give them and they follow them.
“John, did you see that red, white and blue cat yesterday? Yes, red, white and blue― in fact, the American Flag colors were bright red, white, and blue. Someone in the neighborhood must have thought it would be a patriotic thing to do. Where did I see it? On Linda’s yellow car. It was being chased by a pair of French Poodles across the greenbelt by the swimming pool. That was just before King Kong climbed to the top of the school and beat his chest at the circling plane.”
Provide a little description and the brain goes to work representing the information on our internal mental screen. Like a movie director, brains use the information as instructions for our mental Cinema. This explains why the following are very important questions for our states:
What directions are you giving your brain?
What are the default instructions that you’ve learned to give your brain?
What instructions did your parents or teachers provide you about yourself, life, others, etc.?
How useful, ecological, healthy, balanced, valuable, true, etc. are those instructions?
Do those instructions create empowering states for you?
Would you want to give those instructions to your children?
Do they map out an exciting and loving life?
Why are these questions so important? Because the quality of our lives is a function of the quality of the information processed by our brain. The quality of that information flows from the quality of its instructions. The most important thing you do in life then are the instructions that you give your brain. Are the instructions those that you would use to create a world-class movie?
Recently a young man wrote to me.
“I’m an extremely shy person. When I see a social situation, I avoid it because I say to myself that I’ll have nothing to say and that I’ll be a complete idiot because they will find me boring, then I’ll feel depressed. So I just don’t go. Every time I make a mistake, I feel stupid, then depressed. And that’s what causes me to procrastinate. It’s really stupid, and I know better, and I see it causing me to produce sub-optimally. I feel like these are insurmountable problems….”
I copied the words from the email, cut and pasted them back into my reply. I then asked him to step back from the words and view them as brain instructions.
“Just pretend for a moment that these are instructions for your brain. Are these ideas healthy or sick ones? Would you recommend this way of thinking? Suppose the most popular kid at the university thought this way. How much of a party would these instructions make his or her life?”
There’s a principle in this. Namely, feed your brain toxic ideas and you enter into a toxic world. Your brain will go there because that’s what brains do. Brains go places. Just this week I caught a Brain (thank God it wasn’t mine) going to “Worst Case Scenario!” The person was talking about terrorism in the world. He then entertained unimaginable scenarios. Then he freaked out. Then he said, “This shouldn’t happen!”
And I can tell you, these instructions did not put him in a very resourceful state.
Brains use words, pictures, sounds, tones, volumes, smells, tastes, all kinds of things as the basis for swishing us places. Mention a word and off your brain goes. But where? It depends on your learning history, experiences, memories, imaginations, hopes, etc. Brains are phenomenal at linking things. They do so very, very quickly. Actually, this is one of the chief problems we have with our brains. The problem is not that they don’t learn, but that they learn too quickly. It’s just what they learn that often times is just not true or useful.
Brains are also incredible instruments that never shut down. Even in sleep, we dream as brain wave activity continues. This becomes a problem if we don’t give the brain lots of interesting things to process. The stimulus hunger of brains will trigger them to play the old B-rated movies or hallucinate freely.
#2: Brains Externalize Instructions
We can see a person’s internal world of ideas and frames by noticing the person’s external Games. External life reflects internal frames. The behavioral, speech, and action Games that we play on the outside are expressions of our internal frames of mind. They go together. Games and Rules of the Games.
The old proverb put it this way: “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” The Roman philosopher Marcus Aurelius put this yet another way:
“As thy thoughts are so will thy mind be also; for the soul takes its coloring from thought.”
“If you are pained by an external thing, it is not this thing that disturbs you―but your judgment about it.” (The Meditations, 160 AD).
Brains manifest internal representation into the external world so that we externalize our internal frames and representations. What does this mean? Namely, that our external world will only be as exciting, vibrant, dramatic, and powerful as our internal frames of mind. So, as you decorate your internal world of mind, imagination, and memory with hopes, desires, wonders, delights, etc., you alter the quality and content of the instructions that you give to your brain.
This brings up several excellent questions for those of us who want to run our own brain to create a quality life:
What kind of images, sounds, words, sensations, etc. do you have running on the inside of your brain?
What kind of internal movies are you showing in the Cinema of your Mind?
Who does your interior decorating?
Does your internal world of frames need some better interior decorating?
#3: Brains Run on Representations
The cognitive and neuro-sciences have discovered that brains represent our external sensed experiences. It is not that we literally have an internal movie screen in our mind, yet it seems that we do. This phenomena of consciousness is how we experience thoughts and awareness’s. It seems that we internally recall what our home, car, work, friends, parents, dogs, etc. look like, sound like, smell like, feel like, taste like. This sensory awareness on the inside of our brain has led neuro-scientists to designate parts of the brain the visual cortex, auditory cortex, the cortex where we process smells, tastes, sensations, balance, etc.
Korzybski and others noted that we operate upon the world, not directly, but via a map of the world. In NLP, Bandler and Grinder revolutionized psychology by putting the foundation of thought in terms of the sensory representations systems and using these modalities of awareness as the first “languages” of the mind. This facet of running our own brain seems so simple, yet it is so profound.
If we picture a beautiful day with blue sky and billowy white clouds and a green grass lawn facing the white sands of a gorgeous ocean view and imagine feeling the warm ocean breeze blowing through our hair and the smell of the salt water and the sounds of children playing and enjoy our favorite drink while getting a neck and back massage from our special loved one …
Well, it doesn’t take long before our body and neurology responds to those representations as if they were instructions about how to feel. Because brains run on representations, the more expressive, vivid, dramatic, and sensory-specific, the easier it is for us to tell our brains where to go and what to feel. Then the screen play is clearer and easier to follow.
Our brains represent things as it were on a mental screen of the mind. It’s like there’s an internal movie playing and we fill in the sensory details of that movie. Of course, we do not play out everything in that Cinema. We can’t. We can’t even input all that comes in. Our eyes only scan a very narrow part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Our ears only receive a very narrow band of sound wave frequencies. So we have to be pretty selective, as a movie director, about what we play on our internal Cinema. Choose well. It’s your brain.
#4: Brains Transition In and Out of the Present Moment
With that last induction (three paragraphs above), did you leave where you are now and go somewhere else? If you didn’t, perhaps you could use the words to do that. Try it out. Because we represent things, we can represent realities that are not immediately present and go there. This is the foundation of all day-dreaming, night-dreaming, fantasizing, learning, creativity, invention, thinking, conceptualizing, mathematizing, theorizing, etc. This is what we humans do best. We can leave our current situation and travel to distance places, times, and worlds.
We call this thinking. It’s also hypnosis. It’s also trance. It’s many things: imagination, fantasy, creativity, and hallucination. This means that we are not stuck or limited to his present moment. We can represent things not present, never present, and even impossible things. What freedom of mind we have! It’s a freedom of consciousness that’s unique to our species. We have a consciousness that can transition from our current state to other states, hence the word “trance.” Anytime we shift our awareness to something that is not part of our current awareness, we enter a trance state.
This means that most of our states of mind are trances. We mostly live in hypnotic states not sensory aware states in this present moment. Hypnosis is the norm, our default situation, not present time sensory acuity. We call hypnosis or trance “downtime” in NLP because we are down inside ourselves thinking, feeling, and experiencing other times, places, people, and ideas. We call present time sensory acuity “uptime” because we are “up” and noticing what our eyes see, ears hear, skin feels, etc.
“Hey, Tom! Tom, Earth to Tom!”
Our brains love to zone out. Doesn’t yours? It happens when you drive on long trips, it happens even when you drive to the grocery store. It happens when you wait in line, in an elevator, and when you’re listening to a speech. Brains do that. It’s no big deal. Well, it’s not unless you have no guidance or control over it. Then it is a big deal. If you lack awareness of when you are present and when you’re off on some mind-trip, then you are doing out-of-control hallucinating.
We all hallucinate. Those who do so mindfully and by choice are our greatest scholars, inventors, creators, designers, teachers, CEOs, etc. Those who don’t do it by choice suffer from under-achieving and the ineffectiveness of not being able to manage their own mind. They don’t run their own brains.
#5: Brains Induce States
Brains put us into neurological states. They affect our physiology, breathing, movement, and internal chemistry. To work up a good mad, we only have to think angry thoughts of injustice and violation. We only have to think about a dangerous threat and off we go into a fear state. And some representations of sexuality can induce our body to experience desire and lust.
Brains do this because they are part of the body. They sit at the top of the spinal cord and nervous system and bring in all of the nervous impulses processed by the end receptors. Out of the structure of our multi-layered brains emerge our sense of awareness we call “mind.” Mind is an emergent property in the neurology of our brain. So it is always mind-body or body-mind, and never one without the other.
This explains why we mostly think or represent ourselves into our states but why we also can act our way into states. This gives us two royal roads into a mind-body state of consciousness whether it is confidence and joy and love or fear, anger, and sadness. We can use mind and all of our internal representations and we can use body (breathing, posture, movement, activity, etc.).
What state are you in? What state do you go into when any given stimulus or trigger occurs? You need look no further than the instructions you give yourself at the mental dimension or what you do in terms of your posture, muscle tension, breathing, etc. at the physiological dimension.
#6: Brains Go in Circles
Not only do our brains represent the world, go places, and put us into states, but brains also do flips, they roll over, they flip back on themselves, they go in circles. As there are feed forward and feedback loops in the physical structure of the brain so that nervous impulses are sent to the thalamus and the amygdala they are simultaneously passed on to the escorted and after processing there back to the lower brain structures. It’s all inter-connected. We even have an associative cortex that keeps everything connected with everything else so that we have more cortical connections in the three trillion brain cells than atoms in the universe.
No wonder we loop around. No wonder we can worry about our humor and wonder if we are caring too much and then become afraid of our worry and then think something must be wrong with us that we are worry about something so silly as that. We get caught up in down spirals of negative thoughts and can become obsessive compulsive. We can get caught up in positive spiral of thoughts and suffer from insomnia due to our excitement.
Our brains are not strictly logical. To think in a straightforward way and to stay on that path for more than a few seconds is very difficult for our brains. That’s why mathematics and formal logic seem so foreign to us. It’s not the natural habit of our mind. We think in circles. Our brains go around in loops and spirals. We keep reprocessing the same tired old thoughts.
This reflexivity is what allows us to layer thought upon thought, feeling upon feeling, thought upon feeling, memory upon imagination, fear upon anger, dread upon worry, joy upon learning, etc. This creates the whole domain of our meta-states―our states of thoughts and feelings about other thoughts and feelings. And that’s what creates the layering effect of our awareness so that we can create great complexity in our experiences.
We begin with a reference experience, bring it in and represent it, then develop thoughts and feelings about that, and so on until what was “out there” becomes a frame of reference, a frame of mind and then the very frameworks of four personality and orientation. This creates the Rules of the Game, or our highest frames of mind.
#7: Brains Frame Things
This is one of the greatest powers of our brain for health and sanity and for insanity and destructiveness. Our brains frame. They do so to create contextual meaning. Things, events, people, even words do not mean anything in and of themselves. It takes a brain to create meaning, a “thing” that does not exist out there but is a production of the brain.
Actually, the brain creates two levels of meaning. Associative meaning arises when we link up one thing with another thing. What does a cookie mean? It depends on what you have associated with a cookie. It could mean a sweet or junk food. It could mean reward or lack of nutrition. It could mean delight and fun, it could mean threat to my diet. It could mean survival, it could mean fat.
Because brains link ideas, images, feelings, etc., things easily become associated. This creates triggers or anchors. One thing (a sight, sound, sensation, word, etc.) triggers another thing. Stimulus― Response. In this way we create structures of the mind that we call understandings or knowledge. These are not “things,” but organizations of associations―how we have sequenced or ordered the frames in our movies.
What does an “authority figure” mean? Where does your brain go when you think about an “authority figure?” What state does it evoke? Pleasant or unpleasant? Resourceful or unresourceful? Just thoughts … connected in your brain to memories, awareness’s, meanings.
Then there is contextual or frame meaning. Once we have linked up and associated things and bring that association into our mind as our frame of reference, we develop higher level thoughts about it. We call these ideas “concepts.” In this way we now look at things through a conceptual frame of mind. It becomes a filter. We call them meta-states and meta-programs. This establishes a mental context for thinking and feeling. This is how we turn associations into higher level maps. Doing so establishes the mental Rules of the Games that we then play.
We first associate a harsh tone of voice with being spanked. Later we develop ideas and concepts that people who strain their vocal chords are mean, hurtful, and nasty. Then we develop higher frames that “criticism is bad,” “confrontation always ruins things,” “I’m sensitive to criticism,” “I cannot handle that tone of voice,” etc. These thoughts create the higher frames of mind about an event and semantically load that event. So when someone strains the vocal chords, the meanings I experience in relation to that event puts me into very unresourceful states. All of this happens so quickly that on the inside it seems like and feels like “the criticism” (or harsh tonality) makes me upset, angry, or frustrated. This is how we set up and play the Games that we do.
Brains deal with data overload by making generalizations. They create categories for items; they organize things into groups. This allows us to develop contextual meanings from our frames, giving us an even higher way to interpret things.
“Oh, that’s just information. Good. For a minute I thought that was criticism.”
How we categorize a thing determines what it “is” to us― in our neurology. Yet as we frame, so we become. What we organize on the inside, in-forms us. We are all psychologically organized by our belief frame, value frames, identity frames, decision frames, etc. And the thing about the brain framing is that as we frame, so we play the frame games that we do.
Now that you know about brains (minds), what they do and how they work, you’re ready to play the Brain Game. This is the Running Your Own Brain Game, one of the original visions of NLP. With Neuro-Semantics we take this even further to run our own brain at the highest levels of the mind (The Secrets of Personal Mastery, 2000).
Rule #1: Quality Control Your Brain’s Instructions.
Consider anything that isn’t Top-Notch Quality for your Brain as Absurd.
Did I mention that brains are stupid? At least in one sense they are very stupid, in the aspect of quality. In that area, they are less intelligent than stomachs. Really. After all, if we feed our stomach garbage, it at least knows how to vomit. Not so the brain. Feed it garbage and it doesn’t think twice, it just processes the garbage. Feed it toxic ideas, poisonous thoughts, limiting beliefs, irrational conclusions, and inaccurate mapping and it doesn’t know any better than to represent it, assume it is real, and then believe it. Brains themselves are not discriminating about quality, at least not near as much as the stomach. Whether the information is accurate, useful, true, productive, hurtful, stupid, etc., it doesn’t seem to matter.
So, given this stupidity of brains, we have to take charge of the Quality Control of the information we feed it. We call this “running an ecology check.” Reality test the value, health, and balance of an idea in the whole system of your body, relationships, energy, etc. This is the first Rule of the Game.
If you don’t do this, prepare yourself for trouble because trouble, problems, ill-health, incongruent, sabotage, conflict, etc. you will get. This Brain Game Rule says,
“Anything that does not create personal power, health, balance, joy, compassion, wealth, love, etc. is absurd.”
Do you play the Game of Life by that rule?
I highly recommend it.
Consider anything that your brain produces in your body, emotions, speech, behavior, relationships that puts you in constant conflict, that keeps repeating patterns that don’t work, that creates incongruity, ineffectiveness, unresourcefulness, etc. as absurd. Then stop it! If you follow this first rule, your life will probably radically change and transform in a matter of weeks. This is an extremely powerful and pervasive Rule.
If what you are doing, whether in communication to yourself or others, whether in relationship to your work, career, relationships, health, etc. is not working as an ongoing pattern, STOP. To keep repeating long term patterns that don’t work while hoping for different results is a practical definition of “insanity.” It is absolutely ludicrous to keep replaying the old movies of hurt and pain in the theater of your mind. Wasn’t once enough? It’s ludicrous because while the first time it happen to you, after that first time you have been doing it to yourself! It’s your brain doing it. It’s not happening “out there” anymore. If you’re still watching that B-rated movie, and you are the director of the movie.
Quality control your thinking, higher frames of mind, beliefs, states, etc.
Does this enhance my life over the long-run?
Does this empower me as a person?
Does this make life a party?
This Rule will radically challenge everybody still whining over childhood aches and pains, feeling like a victim to a failed marriage or business, or blaming others for their lack of success. This Rule enables you to live in a different way and to play a different Game― a more passionate and ferocious Game, one where you move out into life looking for opportunities and taking risks and playing to your strengths.
Rule #2: Rise Up in your Mind to Become Aware of the Games
You Only Get to Run Your Own Brain if You have Meta-Awareness
Everybody does not get to run his or her own brain. There is one primary condition for getting to run your own brain, you have to know that you have a brain to run and awareness of how you are currently running it. The brain creates first level “awareness,” awareness of the world. This is the consciousness of animals and small children. Awareness of that awareness, meta-awareness, moves us to a higher level of mind. If you don’t know that you are running your own brain or how you are running it, then your unawareness will be unconscious. Then you won’t get to run your own brain. Your Brain will run you!
This Rule ought to scare the hell out of out you! Does it? Unconsciousness means that you are not mindful of what’s going on. Use that as a cue. Do you ever scratch your head wondering that? Do you have ask:
Hey, what’s going on here? Why do I feel this way?
Why can’t I seem to get ahead?
Why am I always running around in circles and never getting on with things?
I don’t know what came over me; I just flipped out?
I don’t seem to have control of my emotions.
When Rule #2 says that you only get to run your own brain when you develop meta-awareness of what you’re doing, it posits awareness as the key condition. This is a big challenge for many. Over the years many have asked, “Would you just hypnotize me and make this problem go away?” I played that Game for awhile. Then I realized the toxicity in that attitude. It’s the wrong attitude if you really want to have control over your own life. That attitude will not lead you on to personal mastery. That attitude indicates the failure to actively participate in your own life. And that’s why it has to be refused.
In NLP and NS we know that the magic is in the structure. The structure of an experience itself is the magic. That’s why we model. We model experts to learn how they do it. Do what? Run their own brain with regard to a specific area (selling, parenting, relating, communicating, wealth building, health and fitness, leadership, etc.). Once we know that, we know how to find the magic in any field or expertise.
This explains why we do the kind of trainings that we do. We seek to teach to the conscious mind. We want consciousness involved. So while we utilize processes for working with facets of mind outside of conscious awareness, we focus on empowering people to run their own brains without becoming dependent upon us. So we facilitate their self-awareness and ego-strength to look reality in the face, and laugh, and feel ferocious.
This rule leads to various questions and orientations.
What is the basic attitude that drives this experience?
What frame of mind do I need in order to experience this orientation?
How does he do that?
How can I adopt her frame of mind about that?
Rule #3: Beware of Your Frame Referencing
Just Because Your Brain Framed it Does Not Make it Useful
If your brain frames, and if the frames that you set create the Games that you play, take care what you reference and how. We all know people (perhaps we have been such) who experience one or more negative events in life and then (to make things worse), build their lives around that event. Talk about a program that sucks. This is the structure of sick magic: Center your life around a Tragedy, Misfortune, or Injustice! This violates Rule #1 for the Brain Game. It is failing to consider this way of representing and framing things as totally absurd.
Decided to build your life around great events. Find (or invent) wonderful references that you can center you life around.
What wonderful event could I build my life around?
What inspiring referent experience (real or imagined) would I like to commission at the center of my attention
and focus?
If I did, what else would have to change?
And what other supporting ideas or beliefs would enable me to frame things this way?
What you reference, how you reference in terms of the representation richness you encode it in and what you set as your governing frames makes all the difference in the world. It controls and governs the Games that you play. Are you playing the Games that you want to play? If not, then take a look at the entire referencing and framing sequence and design a more empowering one.
As everything habituates so do the neuro-pathways and the internal processing of the brain. When we habituate a way of thinking, an information processing style, or a direction for sending our brain, it eventually becomes our meta-programs or sorting styles. This defines our current trance that organizes our mind-body states. Frames become our software programs or default maps for how to operate in any given arena of life.
Rule #4: Lighten Up and Have Lots of Fun with your Brain
If you don’t enjoy the process, you will get stupid.
Here’s another rule in the Brain Frame Game. If you get serious about things, you will get stupid. Stupidity is the occupational hazard of getting serious about things. Getting serious typically undermines such graces as humor, laughter, enjoyment, playfulness, silliness, and ludicrousness. And yet these are the saving graces that keep us human. These are the saving graces for being real, being spiritual, and being authentic. Lose these and you will not be able to run your own brain with any dignity or grace.
Lose humor and laughter and you loose perspective. You’ll even begin to be seduced into playing the God Game, thinking you are perfect (or should be), know it all (or should), and be everywhere and do everything (hence, indispensable). If any of that seems legitimate, you are in danger of getting stupid very rapidly.
Now the stupidity of seriousness causes people to become stiff and rigid. They get “right” (or so they think), then proud of being right. That leads to stuffiness, arrogance, and the closing of the mind. It’s a pitiful thing to see. Yet it happens all too often. Many people pursue an advanced degree and then think the degree bestows upon them an All-Knowingness. They actually think that their every opinion is somehow sacred and should never be question. Doctors, educators, and bureaucrats often fall into this fallacy. All of this increases their stupidity because not only do they not know it all, but they cannot know it all, no one can, and if they did, it would make life less worth living. The fun is in the pursuit.
Rigid serious arrogance makes these people clowns when it comes to making a mistake. Talk about watching a fallible human being make an ass of himself. Watch one of these people do something wrong. The problem is that they can’t be wrong. It’s not allowed. Yet their pomposity won’t allow them to simply say, “Oops. Missed that one.”
This Rule in the Game of Running Your Own Brain says you have to enjoy and delight yourself in your complete fallibility. Your brain is fallible and that makes all you think fallible, all of your emotions, speech, behavior, and actions. It is all “liable to error.” Don’t just accept this, enjoy it. How easy is it for you to have fun with it? To poke fun at your own silliness? To be ridiculous, make a fool of yourself, blow it, and still maintain all of your dignity?
Serious people not only believe, they believe in their beliefs. This is what makes them dangerous. That leads them to being fanatical “true believers” who have closed their minds to the possibility of being wrong. Such serious people never see the high comedy of their ridiculous position. It’s their lack of humor that leaves them with no perspective. So it is humor that’s our saving grace, that frees us up, that allows us to lighten up and to know that all of our mental mapping is just that―fallible human mapping, at the best, the highest thinking we can do at the moment.
Lighten up and enjoy the ride especially when you get into a loop. Just flow with it. If you fight it, if you resist it, you add negative energy to the loop. The quickest and easiest way out is paradoxical― welcome it and enjoy the ride. It’s just a loop of the mind. Play with it.
#5: Keep Teaching Your Brain New Tricks
Yes, your brain can (and will) learn new tricks. Count on it. Brains are always learning, that’s the good news. The bad news is that if you don’t take charge of what they are learning, they will learn trash. So in playing the Brain Game, aim to constantly be teaching your brain more productive things. Feed it the best data available: inspiring ideas, awesome thoughts, empowering beliefs, and supporting understandings. Keep coding and recoding the Cinema in your mind so that your internal world is dramatic, exciting, bigger than life, full of grace and love, power and energy, make it alive and vital. Create one new empowering frame of mind every week―in a year’s time you’ll have 52 enhancing frames for the Matrix of your Mind.
Set out on the exciting adventure of discovering, unpacking and replicating the strategies of the experts. Forget “why” things go wrong and people are stupid, focus on those who are producing excellence and search out their strategy. Find out what movies are playing in the Cinema of their Minds. Find out all of the cinematic features that make that movie so entertaining and the states and higher level states it creates. After you do that for a year or two, you’ll have habituated the Movies of the Experts in your mind … and body and emotions and life.
There’s a new Game in town. It’s the Game of Running Your Own Brain. Nor does it take a rocket scientist to understand the Game. Mostly it takes self-awareness, meta-awareness, and the willingness to have fun exploring how the brain creates the Matrix of Frames that then governs the Games of our lives.
#1: Brains Follow Directions#2: Brains Externalize their Instructions
#3: Brains run on Representations #4: Brains Transition in and out of the present moment #5: Brains Induce States #6: Brains Go in Circles #7: Brains Frame Things |
#1: Quality Control your Brain Instructions#2: Rise Up in your Mind to become aware of the Games
#3: Beware of your Frame Referencing #4: Lighten Up and Have Lots of Fun with Your #5: Keep Teaching Your Brain New Tricks |
Bodenhamer, Bob; Hall, L. Michael. (2000). Users manual of the brain. Wales, UK: Crown House Publications.
Hall. L. Michael (2000). Meta-States: Managing the higher levels of your mind. Grand Jct. CO: Neuro-Semantics Publications.
Hall, L. Michael. (2000). Secrets of personal mastery: Advanced techniques for accessing your higher levels of consciousness. Wales, UK: Crown House Publications.
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D., cognitive psychologist, international NLP trainer, entrepreneur; prolific author and international training; developer of Meta-States and co-developer of Neuro-Semantics. (P.O. Box 8, Clifton CO 81520), (970) 523-7877.