The Structure of Personality
Modeling “Personality” Using NLP and Neuro-Semantics
Reviewed By
John Burton, Ed.D., LPC
I recently read the book, The Structure of Personality; Modeling “Personality” Using NLP and Neuro- Semantics. L. Michael Hall, Bob Bodenhamer, Richard Bolstad and Margot Hamblett collaborated on this comprehensive description of “personality”. They do a very fine job of making a complex concept clear and understandable. These four authors cleanly dissect “personality”, showing it as a process. Hall, et al, describes NLP and Neuro-Semantics and then goes on to use these concepts to redefine personality. Along with describing each major diagnostic category used in psychiatry-psychology, the authors present a collection of treatment techniques to effectively allow one to redesign their own personality, bringing order out of disorder.
Another aspect of this book that I think is interesting is that it establishes rapport with traditional psychiatry-psychology. By citing many hard statistics from formal research, the authors speak the language of traditional psychiatry. Hall, et al, forms a bridge that may lead to greater understanding and acceptance of NLP and NS as legitimate ways of perceiving and treating emotional problems.
Overall, I think this book provides a solid alternative foundation for viewing personality. It is process and solution oriented rather than the old school content and pathology orientation. I believe the authors offer good research to support their position. This book also combines and presents many very effective treatment methods that help one take charge of one’s personality and reshape it by choice.
John Burton, Ed.D. LPC LPCS
For a point of reference, I hold a Doctorate in Human Development Counseling, a Masters in Clinical Psychology and am licensed as a Professional Counselor and Supervisor. I am certified as an NLP Master Practitioner and completed two levels of Neuro-Semantics training. I work as a Psychotherapist in private practice and am a published author as well.
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