Why do so many PWS ask so many questions
when they already have the answer?

By Rene Robben

Tell me...

A single cell organism has no brain, yet it is alive. This means that a brain has nothing to do with life as such.

For (censored) sake, Stephen Hawkings can’t speak at all. He needs a (censored) computer to do it for him!

At least his computer is fluent! But I bet the IBM Speech Processing Software it runs, has a bug or two.

If the majority of humans were PWS, would there be trainings to become non-fluent for the fluent people?

Why do we seek the love and attention from those who seemingly do not give it to us?

Would the overall view on blocking and stuttering change if Robby Williams was a PWS, and blocked during interviews, and that he told the world he doesn't give a (censored) (censored) about it?

And why do so many people complain about things that cannot be changed? Like the weather!?


A bien tot!



©2006 Bobby G. Bodenhamer & René Robben  All rights reserved.